Proud to be an Indonesian People

Indonesia, a Country With Many Cultures. United with the Pancasila

University of Riau

A university located in the city of Pekanbaru, Indonesia. is a place where I studied biological sciences.

Seberaya Village

A beloved village, where I was educated and brought up by my parents, Drs. Raya Wilson S and Josepinna br Pinem Am.Pd . This village is a cultural village with a variety of cultural attractions to visit, such as lau biang rivers, Juma Purba HIll, Gundala-gundala seberaya, the tomb of Putri Hijau. The village is situated near the city of Berastagi is in the district karo, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia


Belgium, a country that since childhood I wished to visit. I promise I'll set my foot in this country someday. I wait for Belgium!

Matauli Senior High School

A high school where I got a lot of friends. Many unforgettable memories from this school. memories about friendship, about faith, about love, about the dormitory, about school, about mark timothy, about the exam, and about everything, I will never forget this school. It is located in the Pandan city, Center Tapanuli District, North Sumatra.


Peringkat 50 Perguruan Tinggi (Universitas dan Institut) di Indonesia

Berikut adalah 50 Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia menurut peringkat yang dikeluarkan oleh Webometrics. Penilaian dari Webometrics sendiri tidaklah dapat dibuat menjadi suatu referensi yang valid. Data ini diambil dari pada tanggal 11 Februari 2012 pukul 5:27 pm WIB. Apabila terdapat perubahan data oleh webometrics harap memakluminya.


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