Proud to be an Indonesian People

Indonesia, a Country With Many Cultures. United with the Pancasila

University of Riau

A university located in the city of Pekanbaru, Indonesia. is a place where I studied biological sciences.

Seberaya Village

A beloved village, where I was educated and brought up by my parents, Drs. Raya Wilson S and Josepinna br Pinem Am.Pd . This village is a cultural village with a variety of cultural attractions to visit, such as lau biang rivers, Juma Purba HIll, Gundala-gundala seberaya, the tomb of Putri Hijau. The village is situated near the city of Berastagi is in the district karo, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia


Belgium, a country that since childhood I wished to visit. I promise I'll set my foot in this country someday. I wait for Belgium!

Matauli Senior High School

A high school where I got a lot of friends. Many unforgettable memories from this school. memories about friendship, about faith, about love, about the dormitory, about school, about mark timothy, about the exam, and about everything, I will never forget this school. It is located in the Pandan city, Center Tapanuli District, North Sumatra.


Anti Kristus Bio Chip 666

Tulisan ini saya buat setelah mendengar kotbah dari seorang pendeta waktu kebaktian PS ( Persekutuan Siswa ). Karna merasa kurang jelas dengan penjelasan dari pendeta tersebut, esok harinya saya pergi ke warnet terdekat untuk googling tentang ada tidaknya Bio Chip 666 tersebut. Dan taukah teman-teman jika Bio Chip tersebut memang benar-benar ada...??? okey langsung aja baju kelanjutan artikel ini.

Sistem pembayaran tanpa uang secara global ( Global Cashless Society ) pertama kali dikenalkan di negara Inggris pada tahun1993 oleh perusahaan MONDEX ( Monetary Dexter ) yang ide dari pembuatan sistem ini di ketuai oleh Tim Jones seorang pegawai bank bersama dengan temannya Graham Higgins pagawai bank dari Bank pribadi kerajaan Inggris.

Teknologi tersebut terus berkembang dan dikembangkan di negara Amerika oleh MONDEX International. Pada tanggal 12 Mei tahun 2009 yang lalu satelit Chip 666 telah diluncurkan ke luar angkasa.

System Mondex ini sendiri memakai teknologi Smart Card seperti yang digunakan oleh perusahaan jasa telekomunikasi seluler untuk membuat kartu GSM yang mampu menyimpan data-data pribadi, sistem keuangan ,dan berbagai data penting lainnya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi MicroChips.

Mondex benar-benar berambisi menjadi pengatur segala aktivitas perbankan nantinya. Buktinya saja Master Card telah membeli 51 % saham Mondex sendiri. Mondex juga telah membeli sebagian saham dari berbagai perusahaan yang berpengaruh dan sangat vital di dunia ( termasuk PT.Telkom ).

Bentuk Bio Chip itu sendiri sangat kecil. Ditanamkan dengan cara menyuntikkanya di tangan dan di jidat. Melalui Bio Chip tersebut pemerintah dapat memonitring seluruh kegiatan kita melalui system GPS ( Global Positioning System ). Data-data tentang diri tertulis lengkap di mikrochip tersebut dan dapat dibaca oleh suatu alat tertentu. Bila lupa membawa uang Bio Chips tersebut juga dapat digunkan nantinya sebagai kartu kredit. Bahkan banyak rumah sakit di negara amerika menganjurkan para pasiannya menggunaakan bio chips tersebut dengan alasan kesembuhan. Videonya dapat dilihat di sini

Percobaan tentang Bio Chips ini telah banyak dilakukan oleh negara-negara maju dengan memanfaatkan para tawanan di penjara. Dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan keberadaan si tawanan yang mencoba kabur dapat dengan mudah di deteksi serta data-datanya keluar secara otomatis di layar komputer. Bio Chips yang ditanamkan di bawah kulit tersebut benar-benar bekerja. Perusahaan MOTOROLA dan HITACHI telah mengembangkan dan memproduksi microchip untuk MONDEX SMARTCARD, yang dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam tubuh manusia. BIO-CHIP itu diberi nama BT952000, dirancang oleh seorang pakar teknologi bio-chip, Dr. Carl Sanders sesuai dengan tugas yang diterimanya (untuk mengembangkan alat dalam tubuh manusia yang akan dipakai untuk tujuan ekonomi dan identifikasi) dan dipresentasikan di dalam konperensi ke-17 NEW WORLD ORDER. Konfrensi ini diselenggarakan secara sangat tertutup di Amerika Serikat dan melibatkan orang-orang keuangan dari kelompok Illuminati yang menempati berbagai posisi penting di seluruh dunia. Penyelenggara konfrensi tersebut merupakan kepanitiaan langsung dari organisasi "Illuminati" yang sangat rahasia dan terselubung. Bio-chip yang dipresentasikan tersebut memiliki keunggulan teknologi melalui jam ekperiment yang panjang. Berukuran panjang 7 mm dan lebar 0.75 mm dan memiliki pemancar dengan batteray lithium yang dapat diisi kembali melalui rangkaian thermo-couple yang mendapat energi listrik dari perbedaan suhu tubuh manusia. Hasil penelitian dan riset bertahun-tahun tersebut juga menunjukkan adanya dua tempat yang dianggap paling cocok dan paling aman untuk penanaman bio-chip dalam tubuh manusia, yaitu di DAHI, persis dibawah garis rambut, dan di belakang TANGAN KANAN.

Fakta tersebut diatas sangat cocok dengan isi kitab wahyu yaitu "Dan ia menyebabkan, sehingga kepada semua orang, kecil atau besar, kaya atau miskin, merdeka atau hamba, diberi tanda pada TANGAN KANANNYA atau pada DAHINYA" (Wahyu 13:16).
Dalam presentasinya, DR Sanders ( penemu alat-alat keamanan tingkat tinggi yang sudah dipakai oleh FBI, CIA, IRS, IBM, GE, Honeywell, dan Teledyne) sempat menyatakan kekhawatirannya pada pemakaian batteray lithium untuk Bio-chip tersebut, karena apabila suatu saat batteray lithium itu pecah atau bocor maka akan mengakibatkan reaksi kimia berupa timbulnya bisul-bisul yang jahat dan berbahaya bagi manusia tersebut.

Kekhawatiran tersebut sangat cocok dengan isi kitab wahyu yaitu "Maka pergilah malaikat yang pertama dan ia menumpahkan cawannya keatas bumi. Maka timbullah bisul yang jahat dan berbahaya pada semua orang yang memakai tanda dari binatang itu dan menyembah patungnya" (Wahyu 16:2).


Selain MOTOROLA dan HITACHI, pada tahun 1996 perusahaan bernama GEMPLUS juga mengambil bagian dalam memproduksi SMARTCARD yang akan dipakai untuk implementasi sistem MONDEX untuk seluruh dunia. GEMPLUS merupakan perusahaan yang saat ini memproduksi kartu SIM GSM (untuk telepon selular) dan US DOT (untuk Departemen Pertahanan AS). Pemasarannya dilakukan oleh MARC (Multitechnology Automated Reader Card) dengan kode proyeknya bernama TESSERA. TESSERA adalah tanda bangsa Romawi yang ditempel di tubuh seorang budak sebagai tanda kepemilikan. Pemilihan nama ini bukan suatu kebetulan, tetapi memperlihatkan bagaimana "visi" Iblis tengah diterapkan dalam rangka penciptaan "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" di bawah penguasa tunggal Antikris. Perlu dicatat, perusahaan lain yang mengambil bagian dalam universialisme sistem MONDEX ini adalah AT & T dan LUCENT. Kedua perusahaan Amerika Serikat ini telah membeli license untuk mengoperasikan MONDEX diseluruh Amerika Serikat. Keduanya memakai logo ular naga matahari dan ular naga merah, yang merupakan lambang Iblis sendiri. LUCENT adalah singkatan dari LUCIFER ENTERPRISE, yang bermarkas di Fifth Avenue 666 Manhattan, USA. Perusahan milik Iblis ini telah membeli berbagai saham perusahaan vital diseluruh dunia (termasuk saham PT TELKOM INDONESIA). Mereka kelihatan begitu agresif dan menyolok dalam aktivitas ekonomi dunia.

Produk-produk mereka diberi nama STYX (sungai di Hades = dunia orang mati), JANUS (tuhan berwajah dua), dan INFERNO (cerita tentang Iblis di neraka). Lambang LUCENT terdiri dari lingkaran api neraka. Salah satu dari produk mereka yang paling dibanggakan adalah apa yang dikenal dengan teknologi TTS (Text To Speech), dimana melalui teknologi ini mereka memberi kehidupan kepada benda mati seperti patung atau robot yang menyerupai manusia, untuk berbicara seperti layaknya manusia hidup.

”Dan kepadanya diberikan kuasa untuk memberikan nyawa kepada patung binatang itu, sehingga patung binatang itu berbicara juga, dan bertindak begitu rupa, sehingga semua orang yang tidak menyembah patung binatang itu dibunuh" (Wahyu 13:15).


Kata bahasa Yunani dalam Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru untuk tanda binatang adalah CHARAGMA yang berarti garutan, goresan, cap, lencana, atau tanda perbudakan dan perhambaan. Bilangan 666 adalah

ungkapan Yunani untuk Chi Xi Stigma, yang berarti menusuk atau menggoreskan sebuah tanda kepemilikan. BIO-CHIP merupakan tanda binatang itu, yang akan di suntikkan kepada semua orang tanpa kecuali untuk dapat MEMBELI dan MENJUAL (melakukan transaksi ekonomi). 

Kitab Suci menjelaskan hal ini akan terjadi di ujung akhir zaman dan saat ini kita semua telah melihat penggenapan-penggenapannya. Waktu sedang berjalan cepat menuju penguasaan global oleh Antikris, dimana semua manusia harus memakai lambangnya (BioChip-Barcode), yang berarti penundukan kepada kerajaan setan untuk dapat bertransaksi (menjual dan membeli).

"Dan tidak seorangpun yang dapat membeli atau menjual selain daripada mereka yang memakai tanda itu, yaitu nama binatang itu atau bilangan namanya" (Wahyu 13:17).


Tanda binatang untuk setiap produk barang di dunia ini diterapkan UPC (Universal Product Code)
BARCODE, sehingga setiap barang apapun berada di dalam kontrol system ekonomi Antikris. Saat ini sudah hampir setiap barang yang kita dapatkan di supermarket tertera BARCODE. Tanpa disadari kita sebenarnya telah mempergunakan tanda binatang itu dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, satu tanda dari semakin dekatnya "hari Tuhan". Setiap BARCODE mengandung angka 666, dan terdiri dari berbagai versi. 
Tetapi yang paling sering ditemui adalah BARCODE 10 angka yang terbagi menjadi 2 bagian. Versi lain terdiri dari 6 angka. Tetapi dalam setiap versi terdapat 3 garis (3 bar) yang lebih tebal dan di identifikasikan komputer sebagai angka 666. Bar-bar tersebut disebut sebagai bar pemisah karena berfungsi untuk memberi tahu scanner tentang awal, tengah, dan akhir dari pembacaan scanner.

"Yang penting disini adalah hikmat, barangsiapa yang bijaksana, baiklah ia menghitung bilangan binatang itu, karena bilangan itu adalah bilangan seorang manusia, dan bilangannya ialah enam ratus enam puluh enam" (Wahyu 13:18).


Nama LUCID atau LUC-ID merupakan kependekan dari kata-kata LUCIFER IDENTIFICATION. Sistem ini merupakan Universal Information Identification System, yang dirancang untuk mampu memonitor keadaan setiap orang. Penemunya adalah Jean Paul Creusat, MD bekerjasama dengan UN-INEA (United Nation International Narcotic Enforcement Officer Association), dan diterbitkan oleh UNIVERSAL BIOMETRIC CARD. Sistem ini sudah diterapkan di UN GLOBAL SECURITY PROGRAMME (Program Keamanan Global PBB).

Dengan menyatunya sistem ini dalam MONDEX maka semua kegiatan masyarakat, setiap transaksi jual beli, dan setiap kecenderungan ekonomi akan dapat terdeteksi dan ter-identifikasi oleh setiap jaringan komputer global Antikris disetiap negara di dunia. Sistem ini memungkinkan intervensi dan kontrol penguasa atas segala kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh setiap orang. Simon Davis, seorang dari peneliti MONDEX mengatakan bahwa saat ini MONDEX sedang memonitor semua transaksi sebagai proyek percontohan yang akan menembus kebiasaan hukum perdagangan bebas.


Sebagian besar pendiri dan peneliti MONDEX berasal dari bank-bank yang tergabung dalam CLUB OF ISLES (Isles adalah nama kepulauan di Inggris) dan HOUSE OF WINDSOR. Kedua club eksklusif ini didirikan oleh FREEMASONRY, jaringan organisasi Iblis terbesar di dunia dibawah koordinasi ILLUMINATI. Melalui pertemuan-pertemua rahasia mereka menjalankan strategi-strategi globalnya. Tujuan pendirian Banking-Club ini adalah untuk mendukung terciptanya kesatuan ekonomi global sesuai dengan visi Illuminati: THE NEW WORLD ORDER (Tatanan Dunia Baru), yang didasarkan atas sebuah pemerintahan (politik) global, agama global, dan ekonomi global dibawah pimpinan satu pemimpin dunia baru, si binatang itu: Antikris.

Catatan: Suatu dokumen rahasia menyebutkan bahwa Antikris adalah THE LORD OF ISLES, dan bilangan namanya adalah 666. Ia disebutkan akan menjadi figur dunia yang akan disembah oleh banyak bangsa. Dia dan keluarganya adalah orang yang pertama kali menerima implementasi BIO-CHIP di tubuhnya, dimana acara tersebut disiarkan oleh CNN pada bulan Maret 1996. (Kebenaran informasi ini meragukan karena sumber informasi tertutup).


Logo MONDEX terdiri dari TIGA LINGKARAN yang tersambung, simbol yang umumnya terdapat di perkumpulan-perkumpulan okultisme dan kebathinan New age - Freemasonry. Arti umum dari tiga lingkaran itu adalah tiga dewa Mesir (PAGAN TRINITAS), yaitu: ISIS, OSIRIS, HORUS, yang di dalam Kitab Suci disebut ASHTORETH, NIMROD, TAMMUZ/BAAL. Tiga dewa Mesir (lambang dunia) yang disatukan seperti menirukan Trinitas Kristen. Simbol ini pernah dipakai oleh sebuah kerajaan kuno di Inggris, dan oleh sebuah perkumpulan orang asing yang didirikan NERO pada tahun 55 sM. Beberapa organisasi okultisme dan kebatinan Freemasonry juga memakai simbol ini sampai sekarang.

MONDEX juga memakai logo RANTAI EMAS. Rantai merupakan lambang dari penjara, perbudakan, kekalahan. Juga diartikan sebagai hubungan langsung antara sorga (kegelapan) dan bumi (Menara Babel).. Rantai Emas Homer adalah istilah yang dipakai di lingkungan MONDEX, dimana menurut mereka berarti Tuhan dihukum dan diperintahkan untuk turun dari sorga ke bumi.

Simbol MONDEX lainnya adalah KUPU-KUPU. Simbol ini mempunyai beberapa arti mistik, yang terutama adalah: Penangkapan Jiwa.. Bahasa Yunani untuk kupu-kupu dan untuk jiwa adalah sama, yaitu Psyche. "Tangkap sebanyak mungkin jiwa untuk neraka", merupakan tujuan utama Iblis. Secara perlahan tetapi pasti, dunia ini sedang dibawa kepada kesudahannya. Berbagai sistem keuangan global sedang diterapkan, masing-masing dengan kelebihannya masing-masing, tetapi tetap mempunyai tujuan yang sama, yaitu penyatuan sistim ekonomi dunia di dalam The New World Order (Tatanan Dunia Baru), One World Government (Satu Pemerintahan Dunia), melalui penerapan The New Babelonian Global System (Sistem Global Babel Baru). Semakin hari manusia akan dipaksa untuk menggunakan sistem otomatis dan elektronik untuk segala aktivitas penerimaan dan pembayaran, sampai uang kontan dihapuskan sama sekali. Home Banking melalui PC (Personal Computer) dan telepon (Internet) akan menjadi sangat penting perannya, sama seperti adanya ATM yang menggantikan fungsi Bank. Uang kontan semakin lama akan semakin sulit didapat.. Di beberapa negara maju anda akan mengalami kesulitan bila anda melakukan pembayaran dengan uang kontan dalam jumlah tertentu, minimal anda akan dikenai biaya tambahan kalau tidak ditolak sama sekali. Uang kontan semakin lama semakin ditarik peredarannya, SMARTCARD akan menggantikannya. Dan kita semua sedang dibawa ke dalam penggenapan sistem Babel, sadar atau tidak. Yeshua Hamasiah sudah meperingatkan kita untuk setiap saat WASPADA dan BERJAGA-JAGA di hari yang semakin sukar dan jahat ini!

"Dan seorang malaikat lain, malaikat ketiga menyusul mereka, dan berkata dengan suara nyaring: Jikalau seorang menyembah binatang dan patungnya itu, dan menerima tanda pada dahinya atau pada tangannya, maka ia akan minum dari anggur murka Tuhan, yang disediakan tanpa campuran dalam cawan murka-Nya, dan ia akan disiksa dengan api dan belerang di depan mata malaikat-malaikat kudus dan di depan mata Anak Domba. Maka asap api yang menyiksa mereka itu naik keatas sampai selama-lamanya, dan siang malam mereka tidak henti-hentinya disiksa, yaitu mereka yang menyembah binatang serta patungnya itu, dan barangsiapa yang telah menerima tanda namanya" (Wahyu 14:9-11)

Begitulah teman-teman yang telah membaca postingan ini agar berhati-hati terhadap segala kemungkinan penyebaran bilangan binatang yang berjumlah 666 tersebut karena memang wahyu Allah pasti akan tergenapi. Saya berharap agar teman-teman yang telah membaca postingan ini memberitahu kapada seluruh kerabat terdekatnya tentang bilangan 666 tersebut agar tidak tergiur dengan kenikmatan dunia.


Yang perlu kita ketahui Tentang peristiwa Gaza

Dituliskan oleh Kasih Bapa Saya rasa penting kita mendengar ke 2 sisi dari peristiwa yg saat ini terjadi. Demo mengutuki Israel banyak terjadi di seluruh dunia, bahkan gereja Katolik pun di Semarang turut mengecam peristiwa terakhir ini.
Saya baru baca sebuah penulisan yg memberikan pandangan sisi lain. Kalau kita baca surat kabar atau majalah di seluruh dunia, mereka sedang mengutuki perbuatan Israel. Yang tertulis dan dilaporkan benar2 hanya satu sisi, kita perlu melihat sisi yg lain.

Ada beberapa poin yang perlu kita ketahui bersama:

1. Israel mengblokir jalur masuk Gaza karena saat ini Gaza tengah dikuasai oleh Hamas.

2. Hamas sendiri beberapa saat yg lalu berperang melawan saudaranya sendiri, mereka bertindak sangat kejam membunuh pengikut pemerintahan Mahmoud Abbas. Di youtube banyak video yg menunjukkan kekejaman Hamas. Banyak orang Palestina sendiri yg mengatakan Hamas, meskipun sesama Palestina ternyata lebih kejam dari tentara Israel.

3. Hamas selalu menteror Israel dengan tembakan puluhan bahkan ratusan roket ke desa-desa Israel. Anehnya, dunia “silent” dalam hal ini, dan sekali Israel harus masuk dan menghancurkan kekuatan Hamas, dunia langsung mengecam.
4. Arab mengerti bahwa secara teknologi perang mereka kalah jauh dengan Israel, jadi satu2nya kemenangan yg mereka upayakan saat ini adalah secara politik. Dalam peperangan melawan Israel, mereka menempatkan wanita dan anak2 di atap-atap rumah, dengan sengaja menjadikan mereka tameng bagi Bom dan peluru Israel. Mengenai kejadian Flotilla yg sedang terjadi.

Tujuan pengiriman barang-barang “ kemanusiaan” ke Gaza melalui laut sesungguhnya BUKAN untuk menolong orang- orang Palestina yg menderita. Kepala dari Flotilla sendiri mengatakan bahwa tujuan mereka menerobos blokade Israel adalah untuk menghancurkan blokade Israel ke jalur Gaza.
Laporan kemanusiaan yang sesungguhnya adalah tidak ada orang kelaparan di Gaza. Bahkan sudah banyak bermunculan resto- resto mewah di sana. PBB selama 60 tahun ini sudah terus menerus merawat penduduk Palestina.

Jika kita melihat peta Gaza, anda akan tahu bahwa Israel hanya memblokade 3 sudut masuk ke Gaza. Sudut yang ke 4 itu diblokade oleh MESIR, sebuah negara Arab sendiri. Dari seluruh negara- negara Arabs, dan bahkan Mesir sendiri, mereka tidak perduli dengan kemanusiaan warga Palestina di Gaza.
Mereka yang kaya raya dengan uang penghasilan minyak bisa dengan mudah membiayai makanan ataupun pembangunan di Gaza. Tetapi tahukah anda bahwa setiap bantuan yg diberikan ke Gaza untuk orang2 Palestina di sana akan dirampas oleh Hamas dan dipakai untuk kepentingan prajurit mereka. Jika ada dana sumbangan dalam bentuk keuangan, maka dana tsb akan dipakai untuk pembelian senjata. Ketahuilah bahwa negara Arabs sendiri tidak sayang terhadap saudaranya sendiri. Dipikiran mereka, orang Palestina memang dibiarkan disana sebagai alat perang mereka melawan Israel.

Untuk kasus Flotilla, sebenarnya Israel telah menawarkan untuk MEMBANTU pengiriman barang2 kemanusiaan seperti makanan dan obat-obatan ke Gaza, DENGAN syarat harus ada pengecekan terlebih dahulu supaya tidak ada senjata yang dimasukkan. Tetapi pihak organisasi Pro- Palestina dengan sengaja menerobos masuk lewat jalur laut. Israel memang harus menghentikan kapal- kapal tersebut dan membawanya ke port mereka. Tidak ada pilihan lain!!! Ingat bahwa tujuan penerobosan blokade ini adalah POLITIKAL, bukan untuk membantu penduduk Palestina di Gaza.
Jika anda selidiki sejarah modern, maka anda akan kaget untuk melihat betapa kejamnya negara2 Arabs terhadap saudara mereka sendiri. Mereka dengan sengaja memakai orang-orang Palestina untuk tujuan politik mereka “ mengalahkan Israel” Saya menuliskan email ini hanya sebagai bentuk pengungkapan saja. Saya harap tidak ada anak Tuhan yang karena membaca isi berita di koran2 dan acara TV yg sudah dipolitik menjadi benci dan mengutuki Israel. Israel memang tidak punya pilihan lain daripada melakukan penyerbuan kapal Flotilla. Bisa dibayangkan jika diijinkan kapal masuk seenaknya, berapa banyak senjata yg akan diselundupkan ke Hamas?

Omong2, Israel telah menemukan ratusan tunnel (jalur bawah tanah) yg dipergunakan untuk penyelundupan senjata. Tunnel2 ini terus dihancurkan setiap kali ditemukan. Bukti-bukti ini sudah ditembuskan ke PBB, namun tidak ada tindakan secara langsung bisa dilakukan, karena Arabs masih memegang kendali minyak dunia.
Kita perlu terus mendoakan Israel agar tangan Tuhan dengan segera dinyatakan atasnya. TIDAK ada negara lain yang di SETIAP HARInya harus memikirkan keselamatan hidup mereka lebih daripada Israel. Jika bukan Tuhan yg menjaga mereka, sudah lama habislah bangsa ini. Doakan juga penduduk
Indonesia yang benar- benar dibutakan (dibodohi). Perang agama secara kenyataan sedang terjadi. Begitu besar kebencian mereka terhadap Israel. Bentuk kebencian yang benar- benar buta.
Continue to speak blessing over Israel!
click for detail

Samsons - Perbedaan

pejamkan matamu di hadapanku
kan kucium kau tuk terakhir kalinya
sudahlah kita tak mungkin untuk bersama
perbedaan membuat kita terpisah

genggamlah tanganku ini
aku bahagia saat bersamamu

usaplah setiap tetes airmatamu
usah kau tangisi perpisahan ini
bukanlah keinginan kita berpisah
perbedaan membuat kita terpisah dengarlah suara hatiku
aku bahagia saat bersamamu

ingatlah sumpahku ini
aku bahagia saat bersamamu
aku bahagia bahagia
aku bahagia saat bersamamu

Lagu yang sangat mengena di hati saat ini. hm.... gga tau mau bilang apa lagi yang jelas aku sayang banget ma kmu. luph you my 08.......


08 x 02 = 16



Lirik Lagu Nightmare Avenged Sevenfold

(Now your nightmare comes to life)

Dragged ya down below,
Down to the Devil’s show,
To be his guest forever,
(Peace of mind is less than never)!

Hate to twist your mind,
But God ain’t on your side,
An old acquaintance severed,
(Burn the world your last endeavor!)

Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air,
’cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal.(steal)

So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head,
You’re now a slave until the end of time here,
And nothing stops the madness turning,
Haunting, yearning, pull the trigger! You should have known, the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
Ooooh it’s your fuckin’ nightmare!
(While your nightmare comes to life)

Can’t wake up and sweat,
’cause it ain’t over yet,
Still dancing with your demons,
(Victim of your own creation!)

Beyond the will to fight,
Where all that’s wrong is right,
Where hate don’t need a reason,
(Loathing self-assassination!)

You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your site, and now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel.(feel)
So sedated as they medicate your brain and while you slowly go insane the tell ya:
“Given with the best intentions, Help you with your complications!”

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call,
Everybody to fear,
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah.
Ooooh, it’s your fuckin’ nightmare, ha-ha-ha-ha!


Fight (fight),
Not to fail (fail),
Not to fall (fall),
Or you’ll end up like the others.

Die (die),
Die again (die),
Drenched in sin (sin),
With no respect for another.


Down (down),
Feel the fire (fire),
Feel the hate (hate),
Your pain is what we desire.

Lost (lost),
Hit the wall (wall),
Watch you crawl (crawl),
Such a replaceable liar.

And I know you hear their voices (calling from above),
And I know they may seem real (these signals of love),
But our life’s made up of choices (some without appeal),
They took for granted your soul,
and it’s ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life!)

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call,
Everybody to fear,
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah…
Ooooh, it’s your fuckin’ nightmare!

Download Lagunya disini

Album Baru Avenged Sevenfold Eternal Soldiers

Album baru a7x pasti udah lama kita tunggu-tunggu, pasalnya kali ini setelah kepergian drummer Sullivan akan digantikan oleh Drummer dari Band Dream Theater yaitu Mike Portnoy.
Lagu baru avenged bocor???? Itulah yang dialami lagu baru avenged yang berjudul Nightmare.yang bisa di download disini

Sedikit bocoran tentang album baru a7x. Album ini genrenya lebih ke alternatif dan soft rock, ini mungkin dikarenakan Mat Shadow yang sudah tidak bisa scream lagi. Dan juga mereka ingin mengulang kesuksesan seperti pada lagu Dear God yg melejit. Tapi masih mengusung genre metalcore. Yah sebut saja genre ini crossover.

berikut pernyataan dari personil a7x tentang album baru mereka

Hello everyone -
I realize that with the last record we stayed away from personally updating you guys with loads of information about how we were doing and about how the tours were going. We stayed away from doing too many interviews, radio and T.V. spots, trying not to overexpose ourselves. Not seeing ourselves everywhere and hearing about stupid shit we’ve said has generally made us happier people, much unlike the “City of Evil” record cycle. But I feel in doing so we have stopped communicating with the people that truly care about this band, the fans. So I’m gonna try to make these updates a little more frequently.
First I wanna say we had a great time touring this record. From the first tour in clubs, to headlining “Taste of Chaos”, to going out with Iron Maiden in Europe, to finishing it up with Buckcherry, Papa Roach, Burn Halo, Shinedown, Saving Abel and Rev Theory. We’ve made some great new friends and just had a great time playing to you guys every night. Rock on the Range and opening for Metallica in Mexico City were just added bonuses. We are gonna start rehearsing here in a couple days to get ready for Sonisphere over in the U.K and Ireland. We are looking forward to that.
We have been relaxing after almost 20 months of straight touring, but we have also been throwing around a lot of ideas for the new album. I think after we get back from the U.K. we will be able to fully get into this writing process. I’d hate to say more and start speculation and rumors this early in the process so thats all I’ll say about the album. Time flies and you’ll have a new record on your ipod before you know it, so be patient.
Since we’ve been home I’ve been working on a song with Slash for his solo album. It’s a killer track and he plays some of the most technical stuff I’ve ever heard from him.
But since it’s his record and not mine, more updates will have to come from him. “Waking the Fallen” went gold today and though we don’t talk about record sales much, this feels like a huge accomplishment. That record sold 3,000 copies the first week and is now well over 500,000 copies. In a day when music is virtually free, its a huge testament to the fans we have and the dedication they have given us for 10 years. Thanks guys and girls, we look forward to 10 more!

-dan ini pernyataan dari Zacky

It has been awhile since we have shed light on our current doings. Well here is a long awaited update into the world of A7X..
We came off of the road amidst one of the most turbulent times in history. Everything going on around us was overwhelming, frightening, frustrating and confusing. I must confess that it was also very exciting to me. I’m sure you can share my sentiment. We have been focused on only one thing, writing and preparing to record what to me is our most personal and epicAvenged Sevenfold album . The reason is the fact that everything happening around us in the entire world might be a once in a life time source of inspiration and direction. We have been harnessing every aspect of what makes A7X truly unrelenting and building off of that. I don’t think we sleep too much anymore because of the excitement we feel while writing thisalbum. Only a world spinning out of control could inspire the music and vision we have now. Once again it is fucking exciting. We will continue finalizing our songs until we feel every note does both You as well as Us justice. We are also in the final stages of solidifying our production team, studios and engineers so that the second the axe falls and thealbum is written we will spend day and night in the studio until it is complete. This album will definitely take you on a very dark journey…
Zacky Vengeance

With Me Lyrics - Sum 41

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everythings nothing without you
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

Through it all, I made my mistakes
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
Pieces of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

All the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go
I've come to an end

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everythings nothing without you

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go (I want you to know)
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'd bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

Still Waiting Lyrics - Sum 41

So am I still waiting
for this world to stop hating
can't find a good reason
can't find hope to believe in

Drop dead a bullet to my head
your words are like a gun in hand
you can't change the state of the nation
we just need some motivation
these eyes have seen not conviction
just lies and more contradiction
so tell me me what would you say
I'd say its time too late


Ignorance and understanding
we're the first ones to jump in line
out of step for what we believe in
but who's left to stop the bleeding?
how far will we take this,
it's not hard to see through the fakeness
so tell me what would you say?
I'd say it's time too late


this can't last forever
time won't make things better
I feel so alone
can't help myself
noone knows if this is worthless tell me
what have we done
with a war that can't be won
this can't be real
cause I don't know what to feel


88 Lyrics - Sum 41

wait how long would you wait
just for me to call
I know you make mistakes
yeah but
I hope some day you have it all
cause I feel like a prisoner
trapped inside your broken world
while I'm playing the victim again
running in circles
to me it's all the same
and though nothing's gonna change
I hope someday you have it all

take this aggravation that I've thrown myself into
change this situation just cause I need something new

and still I feel like a prisoner
trapped inside your broken world
while I'm playing the victim again
running in circles
to me it's all the same
and though nothing's gonna change
I hope someday you have it all

if we could all depend
on what we know
if you could understand
I'm losing control
that I'm losing control
that I'm losing control
that I'm losing control

There's No Solution Lyrics - Sum 41

maybe nothing else will ever be so clear
but maybe thats only my fear
and just for one day I wish I could disappear
and take me far from here
maybe I find nothing new
maybe ill end up just like you

theres no solution
get me through to my conviction
is my own confusion
reality or fiction
am I out of my mind?

the constant pressure that keeps hanging over me
it makes me feel so empty
its more than anything that I could ever be
what else could you take from me
its getting harder to relate
dont want to make the same mistake

theres no solution
get me through to my conviction
is my own confusion
reality or fiction
am I out of my mind?

it took me so long to find out
its right there in front of me
too close to see
whats thought was true
i see right through
whats killing you

theres no solution (i cant see)
get me through to my conviction
is my own confusion (that I feel)
reality or fiction
am I out of my mind?

so maybe nothing else will be so clear
or maybe its my fear(am I out of my mind)
and just for one day I wish I could disappear
and take me far from here (am I out of my mind)

Pieces Lyrics - Sum 41

I tried to be perfect
but nothing was worth it.
I don't believe it makes me real.
I thought it'd be easy
but no one believes me.
I meant all the things I said.
If you'd believe it's in my soul,
I'd say all the words that I know
just to see if it would show
that I'm trying to let you know
that I'm better off on my own.

This place is so empty.
My thoughts are so tempting.
I don't know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it's so crazy
but nothing can save me
but it's the only thing that I have.
If you'd believe it's in my soul,
I'd say all the words that I know
just to see if it would show
that I'm trying to let you know
that I'm better off on my own.

I tried to be perfect,
it just wasn't worth it.
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It's hard to believe me.
It never gets easy.
I guess I knew that all along.
If you'd believe it's in my soul,
I'd say all the words that I know
just to see if it would show
that I'm trying to let you know
that I'm better off on my own.

Slipping Away Lyrics - Sum 41

I'm slippin away
In every way
I cant stay away
I'm slippin away

But tryin to make it
Through each day
I'm fallin apart
In every way
I'm findin it hard

To get by
Theres a hole in my heart
And I dont know why
And none do realize

I'm slippin away

Open Your Eyes Lyrics - Sum 41

I'm not quite myself.
I do need some help
Just my confusion,
Trust my delusion.

Don't you,
Regret you met me.
Go through,
These steps to get me,
Back to where we start,
'Fore I fall apart.

If I could black out,
It'd become so clear,
Standing face-to-face with everything I fear.
Watch so closely,
but still I don't see.
As bad as it seems,
a piece of mind I steal,
An ordinary life,
But consequences real.
I'm pastthe point of reality

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's like a bad dream,
Coming all so true,
Leaving me with nothing else left to do.
Now so helpless,
I'm not so selfish.
Tell me,
How does it feel to have a face like that,
How does it feel to be replaced like that.
Now so faceless,
Do you still feel?

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's hard to believe right now,
This seems to be real.
Still phasing by this time,
So why can't I wake up.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
When it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

The Bitter End Lyrics - Sum 41

there's no doubt in my mind when it's over
what is done will be
you will find when life gets colder there's no sympathy
there's no point trying you can't escape the bitter end
well who will greet you when you're at the bitter end

all your choices chosen you've got no say
your decisions made
face your consequences as your life begins to fade
as time keeps spinning closer to the bitter end
well who will greet you when you're at the bitter end

take a look at yourself as time keeps racing
is all you've come to be
what you expected or are you still chasing possibilities
cause all your prayers won't save you from the bitter end
well who will greet you when you're at the bitter end

Some Say Lyrics - Sum 41

Some say we're never meant to grow up
I'm sure they never knew enough
I know the pressures won't go away
It's too late

Find out the difference somehow
It's too late to even have faith
Don't think things will ever change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realise
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Believe me 'cause now's the time to try
Don't wait, the chance will pass you by
Time's up to figure it out
You can't say it's too late

Seems like everything we knew
Turned out were never even true
Don't trust, things will never change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realise
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Some say we're better off without
Knowing what life is all about
I'm sure they'll never realise the way
It's too late

Somehow it's different everyday
In some ways it never fades away
Seems like it's never gonna change
I must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realise
I can do this on my own
Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realise
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all
Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all

Angels with Dirty Faces Lyrics - Sum 41

I need this to get me through
can't resist and don't want to
believe it I know it's true
I can't beat and don't want to try

perfect hell

it's more to me than you ever will know
down here where the rest of us fell
waste away with nothing left to show
while I'm in this perfect hell

obsession has begun
possessed by destruction
how did I get so low
believe me no one knows
sometimes I can't hold on
and no one can help me

now it's got a hold of me
I don't think I can make it through this
now it's got a hold of me
the less I do the more it makes no sense

I'm walking pollution who's drained by delusions
on the verge of destruction I cave in to abduction
thin blood I'm bleeding my pulse won't stop racing
just as my heart explodes

no chance that I could win
too hard to not give in
I just don't feel the same
cause I'm the one to blame
sometimes I can't hold on
and no one can help me

now it's got a hold of me
I don't think I can make it through this
now it's got a hold of me
the less I do the more it makes no sense

I need this to be myself
it feels like I need some help
it's too late to save myself
or it's just in my head

now it's got a hold of me
I don't think I can make it through this
now it's got a hold of me
the less I do the more it makes no sense

now it's got a hold of me
I don't think I can make it through this
now it's got a hold of me
the less I do the more it makes no sense

No Reason Lyrics - Sum 41

All of us believe that this is not up to you
The fact of the matter is that it's up to me

Hey, Hey, Hey
Hey, Hey, Hey
Let?s go!!

How could we fake this anymore (anymore..)
We turned our backs away and choose to just ignore (just ignore, Some Say!)
Some say it?s ignorance it makes me feel some innocence (Some Say!)
It takes away a part of me
But I won?t let go so

Why can?t you see it?s not the way (Not the way!)
When we all fall down it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can?t change (No reason!)
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
Who will it take?

If nothing could ever be this real (be this real..)
A life unsatisfied that I could never feel (I could never feel, Some Say!)
This future is not so bright
Some can?t make the sacrifice (Some Say!)
It?s much more than just black and white
And I won?t follow so

Why can?t you see it?s not the way (Not the way!)
When we all fall down it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can?t change (No reason!)
When we all fall down who will take the blame
Who will it take?

Times like these I?ve come to see how
Everything but time is running out!!

Hey!, Hey!, Hey!
Hey!, Hey!, Hey!

All of us believe in what we need
What we have is what we don?t see

Chorus: (2X)
Why can?t you see it?s not the way (Not The Way!)
When we all fall down it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can?t change (No Reason!)
When we all fall down who will take the blame
Who will it take?

So how long has this gone on
I don't see this ending
It's too late we can't change
What has now begun
We act like it's not right
Why are we pretending
We've been wrong for so long
We've known this all along

So Long Goodbye Lyrics - Sum 41

Time passes by, direction unknown.
You've left us now but we're not alone.
Before you know it, your cup's over flown.
You measure no one that I've ever known.

And it's quite alright, and goodbye for now.
Just look up to the stars and believe who you are,
'Cause it's quite alright
and so long goodbye.

We always knew that it'd come to this,
It's times like these i forget what I miss.
Matters of heart are hard to address,
Especially when yours is full of emptiness.

And it's quite alright, and goodbye for now.
Just look up to the stars and believe who you are,
'Cause it's quite alright
and so long goodbye.

Time passes by, direction unknown.
You've left us now but we're not alone.
Before you know it, your cup's over flown.
You measure no one that I've ever known.

And it's quite alright, and goodbye for now.
Just look up to the stars and believe who you are,
'Cause it's quite alright
and so long goodbye.

King of Contradiction Lyrics - Sum 41

I've dethroned the king of contradiction
Or were you just a jester all along a simple pawn
Don't you know you can't count your tears like your money
Running down like rain in the drain

You don't need to pray for me 'cause I'm not the one to blame
I can't wait to see you going down in flames
How could it be know not what we've become
You lost the human race

I hope you burn like a cigarette in ashes
As your head comes down and crashes

Your thoat pours blood from slashes
And I hope you never forget like a tatoo of regret this time, this time

You don't need to pray for me 'cause I'm not the one to blame
I can't wait to see you going down in flames
How could it be know not what we've become
You lost the human race

You're replaced now
Was nice to know you
Now your time is up so
Just drop dead

Pull The Curtain Lyrics - Sum 41

(Where'd I go wrong?)
Pull the curtain, begin
Paranoia's wearing thin now
It's wearing thin now
(Where'd I go wrong?)
Close my eyes, realize
I've become the victimized now
Desensitized now

The one and only day has come
I'll pay for all the bad things I've done

(Where'd I go wrong?)
Something's wrong because I find the glamour
In the darkside, In the darkside
(Where'd I go wrong?)
Cheap regrets, can't forget
Falling victim to the debt still,
Unpaid in my mind

The one and only day has come
I pay for all the bad things I've done

It's gonna take me, you don't know tragedy
I've been to hell and backagain to tell
Close my eyes and lay me down to sleep
I fear the worst: my beating heart ticks to explode
And my time is up so...

Why can't I just sleep!?

The living dead awake, the horror show begins

So pull the curtains over me
(Bring on the panic, the uncontrolling manic
Its a free for all, kill them all, every last one of them)
(Well, hey hey hey hey) [x2]

Suffocate the dreams in my mind
(Well I can't stop the ringing)
Drown the thoughts that have me confined
(Stop this heart from bleeding)
Gutter dreams as black as the night
(I cant stop its over)
No one told me empathy's a lie
(lost again with no way out)

Suffocate the dreams in my mind
(My last words: im choking)
(I can't stop the ringing)
Drown the thoughts that have me confined
(My whole heart is broken)
(Stop this heart from bleeding)
Gutter dreams as black as the night
(As I lay here dying)
(I cant stop its over)
No one told me empathy's a lie
(My ears wont stop ringing)
(lost again with no way out)

Now we're gone, do you still feel
the same? Well now, can't you see?
I need help to stop me from myself
Well can't you help me now?

Count Your Last Blessings Lyrics - Sum 41

Last call for regrets and defeat
To finish the bottle full of empty dreams
Punch strong head and straight out of line
Another excuse with no alibi
Hitchin' on the road of decline
With no name streets and no vital signs
I pissed away the best of me and
No one can help me!

I'm misery's best friend
Dead beat on a dead-end
A bag full of regrets and I'm coming clean
So feel it
Especially the rejects
A bad habit
Don't forget it you better
Count your last blessings
Don't fall off the wagon
Chases this fee
And now I'm running out of time

My hands are tied
And nailed to the cross
I'm looking for all the composure I lost
I'm petulant with a bad attitude
A poster-child vision of wasted youth
I dodged the book and found the key
I can't say the same for dignity
I pissed away the best of me and
No one can help me

I'm misery's best friend
Dead beat on a dead-end
A bag full of regrets and I'm coming clean
So feel it
Especially the rejects
A bad habit
Don't forget it you better
Count your last blessings
Don't fall off the wagon
Chases this fee
And now I'm running out of time

My own enemy
I don't hear you now
Perfect tragedy
God bless us denial

I'm misery's best friend
Dead beat on a dead-end
A bag full of regrets and I'm coming clean
So feel it
Especially the rejects
A bad habit
Don't forget it you better
Count your last blessings
Don't fall off the wagon
Chases this fee
And now I'm running out of time

Dear Father Lyrics - Sum 41

I addressed this letter to "dear father"
I know you is complete unknown
I guess it's better you don't bother
All our truth should be left alone
Be left alone
Be left alone

I learned all the things you never showed me
Took the chances you'd blown
And to this day, the one and only,
You'd remain complete unknown

You're out there somewhere,
But i don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown

So many years I've been ignored,
You'd been gone without a trace

I'm getting used to knowing you're just a name without a face
Without a face
Without a face.

You're out there somewhere,
But i don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown

I addressed this letter to "dear father"
I know you is complete unknown
I guess it's better you don't bother
All our truth should be left alone

You're out there somewhere,
But i don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown

Walking Disaster Lyrics - Sum 41

I haven't been home for a while
I'm sure everything's the same
Mom and Dad both in denial
An only child to take the blame

Sorry, Mom, but I don't miss you
Father's no name you deserve
I'm just a kid with no ambitions
Wouldn't come home for the world

Never know what I've become
The king of all that's said and done
The forgotten son

This city's buried in defeat
I walk along these no-name streets
Wave goodbye to home

As I fall...

At the dead-end I begin
To burn a bridge of innocence
Satisfaction guaranteed
A pillow-weight catastrophe

Our own mission nowhere bound
Inhibitions underground
A shallow grave I
Have dug all by myself

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
(You regret you made me
It's too late to save me)

As far as I can tell
It's just voices in my head

Am I talking to myself?
'Cause I don't know what I just said

(And she said)
As far as where I fell
Maybe I'm better off dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Is this as good as it gets?

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me
(To save me, to save me, to save me, ...)

("It's too late") [x2]

To save me, to save me, to save me, to save me

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me

I will be home in a while
You don't have to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world

I will be home in a while
You don't have to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world

Underclass Hero Lyrics - Sum 41

Well I won't be caught living in a dead end job
While praying to my government, guns, and god
'Cause it's us against them
We're here to represent
And spit right in the face of the establishment

And now I don't believe (In having faith in nothing!)
Stand on my own (Got no sympathy!)
Wasting the youth (While being young and useless!)
Speak for yourself (And don't pray for me!)

Because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you

(A call across the Underclass)

Calling out loud with no respect
I'm not the one, just another reject
I'm the voice to offend
All those who pretend
Unsung against the grain I'm here to rise against

And now I'm desensitized (I state my place in nowhere!)
Burning the flag (Of the degeneration!)

Everyone sing (The Anthem of no future!)
Down with the mass ('Cause we're not listening!)

Well because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you

May I have your attention please?
I pledge allegiance to the underclass as your hero at large.


We're the saints of degeneration
We don't owe anyone an explanation
F**k elitists
We don't need this
We're the elite of just alright

Well because we're doing fine
And we don't need to be told
That we're doing fine
Cause we won't give you control
And we don't need anything from you
Cause we'll be just fine
And we won't be bought and sold
Just like you

What's My Age Again? Lyrics - Blink 182

I took her out, it was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started makin' out and she took off my pants
But then, I turned on the TV

And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD, my friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?

Then later on, on the drive home
I called her mom from a pay phone
I said I was the cops and your husband's in jail
This state looks down on sodomy

And that's about the time that bitch hung up on me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by prank phone calls
What the hell is call ID, my friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?

And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And you still act like you're in freshman year
What the hell is wrong with me, my friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?

That's about the time that she broke up with me (what's my age again?)
No one should take themselves so seriously
With many years ahead to fall in line
Why would you wish that on me, I'll never wanna act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?

What's my age again...

The Rock Show Lyrics - Blink 182

Hanging Out Behind The Club On The Weekends
Acting Stupid Getting Drunk With My Best Friends
I Couldn't Wait For The Summer At The Warped Tour
I Rememeber That It's The First Time That I Saw Her There

She's Getting Kicked Out Of School Cause She's Failing
I'm Kinda Nervous Cause I Think All Her Friends Hate Me
She's The One She'll Always Be There
She Took My Hand And I Made It I Swear

Cause I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show
She Said What And I Told Her That I Didn't Know
She's So Cool Better Sneak Me In Through The Window
Everything's Better When She's Around
Can't Wait Until Her Parents Go Out Of Town
I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show

When We Said We Were Gonna Move To Vegas
I Rememeber The Look Her Mother Gave Us
17 Without A Purpose Or Direction
We Don't Owe Anyone A Fucken Explatation

I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show
She Said What And I Told Her That I Didn't Know
She's So Cool Better Sneak Me In Through The Window
Everything's Better When She's Around
Can't Wait Until Her Parents Go Out Of Town
I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show

Black And White Pictures Of Her On My Wall
I Waited For Her Call She Always Kept Me Waiting
And If I Ever Got Another Chance I'd Still Ask Her To Dance
Because She Kept Me Waiting

I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show
She Said What And I Told Her That I Didn't Know
She's So Cool Better Sneak Me In Through The Window
Everything's Better When She's Around
Can't Wait Until Her Parents Go Out Of Town
I Fell In Love With The Girl At The Rock Show

With The Girl At The Rock Show
With The Girl At The Rock Show
I'll Never Forget Tonight
With The Girl At The Rock Show

Stay Together For The Kids Lyrics - Blink 182

It's Hard To Wake Up When The Shades Have Been Pulled Shut
This House Is Haunted Its So Pathetic It Makes No Sense At All
Im Ripe With Things To Say The Words Rot And Fall Away
A Stupid Poem Could Fix This Home I'd Read It Every Day

So Here's Your Holiday
Hope You Enjoy It This Time You Gave It All Away
It Was Mine So When Your Dead And Gone
Will You Remember This Night Twenty Years Now Lost
It's Not Right

The Anger Hurts My Ears Been Running Strong For Seven Years
Rather Then Fix The Problem They Never Solve Them It Makes No Sense At All
I See Them Everyday We Get Along So Why Can't They
If This Is What He Wants And Its What She Wants Then Whys There So Much Pain

So Here's Your Holiday
Hope You Enjoy It This Time You Gave It All Away
It Was Mine So When Your Dead And Gone
Will You Remember This Night Twenty Years Now Lost
It's Not Right

So Here's Your Holiday
Hope You Enjoy It This Time You Gave It All Away
It Was Mine So When Your Dead And Gone
Will You Remember This Night Twenty Years Now Lost
It's Not Right
It's Not Right
It's Not Right
It's Not Right

Roller Coaster Lyrics - Blink 182

Breathing Deeply Walking Backwards
Finding Strength To Call And Ask Her
Rollercoaster Favourite Ride
Let Me Kiss You One Last Time

Leave Me Standing Here Act Like I`m Not Around
The Coaster Probably Never Clear Can I Please Go Home Now
I Had That Dream About You Again
Where I Wait Outside Until You Let Me In
And There I Stay

Lay Beside Me And Listen Out The Wall
We`ll Keep On Lying Until The Summer Comes
I Had That Dream About You Again
Where You Drive My Car Right Off The Fucking Cliff

And Now I`m Breathing Deeply Walking Backwards
Finding Strength To Call And Ask Her
Rollercoaster Favourite Ride
Let Me Kiss You One Last Time

Make Me Promise That I Will Never Tell
All I Remember`s The Way Your Bedroom Smells
I Had That Dream About You Again
When I Wait Outside Until You Let Me In

And Now I`m Breathing Deeply Walking Backwards
Finding Strength To Call And Ask Her
Rollercoaster Favourite Ride
Let Me Kiss You One Last Time Good Night

Good Night

Reckless Abandon Lyrics - Blink 182

On And On Reckless Abandon
Somethings Wrong This Is Gonna Shock Them
Nothing To Hold On To
We'll Use This Song To Lead You On

I Learned A Lot Today
Not Sure If I'll Get Blamed
Not Sure If I'll Fail Or Pass
Kissed Every Girl In Class

Everybody Would Waste It All
To Have A Summer That They Could Call
Memories Are Full Of Fun
Fucked Up When It's All Done

On And On Reckless Abandon
Somethings Wrong This Is Gonna Shock Them
Nothing To Hold On To
We'll Use This Song To Lead You On
And Break The Truth With More Bad News
He Left A Scar Size Extra Large

Sick Of Drinking The Alcohol
In A Million Bathroom Stalls
Eyes Are Red And My Movement's Slow
Too High Get Her To Go
He Took A Shit In The Bathroom Tub
Infect The Dog With Brownie Drugs
Tried Hard To Not Get Caught
He Fucked A Chick In A Parking Lot

On And On Reckless Abandon
Somethings Wrong This Is Gonna Shock Them
Nothing To Hold On To
We'll Use This Song To Lead You On
And Break The Truth With More Bad News
He Left A Scar Size Extra Large

Break A Window And Bust A Wall
Making Fun Of Your Friends Mom
Turn The Music Up Way Too Loud
Charge A Pizza To The House
Everybody Would Waste It All
To Have A Summer That They Could Call
Memories Are Full Of Fun
Fucked Up When It's All Done

On And On Reckless Abandon
Somethings Wrong This Is Gonna Shock Them
Nothing To Hold On To
We'll Use This Song To Lead You On
And Break The Truth With More Bad News
He Left A Scar Size Extra Large

Please Take Me Home Lyrics - Blink 182

Oh No It Happend Again
She's Cool She's Hot She's My Friend
I Tried For Hours If So
You Leave Me No Where To Go

She's Unstopable Unpredictable
I'm So Jaded Calculated Wrong

Please Take Me Home Too Late It's Gone
I Bet You're Sad This Is The Best Time We Ever Had

I Hope Hope That It Lasts
Give In Forget The Past
Be Strong When Things Fall Apart
Honest This Breaks My Heart

She's Unstopable Unpredictable
I'm So Jaded Calculated Wrong

Please Take Me Home Too Late It's Gone
I Bet You're Sad This Is The Best Time We Ever Had
Please Take Me Home Too Late It's Gone
I Bet You're Sad This Is The Best Time We Ever Had

Why Did We Have To Go Date
It's Too Easy To Complicate
Be Strong When Things Fall Apart
Be Strong When Things Fall Apart
Honest This Breaks My Heart
It`s So Hard

Let's Go

Please Take Me Home Too Late It's Gone
I Bet You're Sad This Is The Best Time We Ever Had
Please Take Me Home Too Late It's Gone
I Bet You're Sad This Is The Best Time We Ever Had

Pathetic Lyrics - Blink 182

I know I'm pathetic I knew when she said it
a loser a bum's what she called me when i drove her home
There's no more waiting and sure no more wasting
I've done all I can but she still wants to be left alone
You got to help me out
and i'll try not to argue
no one likes a drop-out
mistakes are hard to undo

Don't pull me down this is where I belong
I think I'm different but i'm the same and i'm wrong
Don't pull me down this is where I belong
I think I'm different...this is where i belong

I think it's disgusting believing and trusting
If I gave a fuck there would be nothing for me to prove
Although it's amusing It's slightly confusing
I've done all I can but her ego is still hard to move

Don't pull me down this is where I belong
I think I'm different but i'm the same and i'm wrong
Don't pull me down this is where I belong
I think I'm different...this is where i belong

Online Songs Lyrics - Blink 182

Josie You're My Source Of Most Frustration
Forget When I Don't Meet Expectations
Everything You Wished Came True
In The End We All Blamed You
Even Though As They All Know
You Weren't The Only One Two Three Four

Why Do You Think You've Been Around
When You Know It Brings Me Down I'm Hating Everything
And I Know That You Dated Other Guys
But I Gotta Wonder Why You'd Leave It Out For Me

Why Am I Still Hanging Around
When I Know It Brings Me Down I'm Hating Everything
And You Are Getting Rides From In His Car
And Making Out In His Front Yard And Hating Everything

Please Don't Remind Me Put Your Past Behind Me
It Shines So Bright It Blinds Me I Wish That This Would End
And I Am Not Fine Last Night I Saw You Online
Your Screen Name Used To Be Mine Why Can We Just Pretend

If You Could Have Another Day
I've Got So Much Left To Say I'll Tell You Everything
And I'll Laugh When I Think About The Past
When I See You After Class You're Hating Everything

Please Don't Remind Me Put Your Past Behind Me
It Shines So Bright It Blinds Me I Wish That This Would End
And I Am Not Fine Last Night I Saw You Online
Your Screen Name Used To Be Mine Why Can We Just Pretend

And She Said
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Please Don't Remind Me Put Your Past Behind Me
It Shines So Bright It Blinds Me I Wish That This Would End
And I Am Not Fine Last Night I Saw You Online
Your Screen Name Used To Be Mine Why Can We Just Pretend

Please Don't Remind Me Put Your Past Behind Me
It Shines So Bright It Blinds Me I Wish That This Would End
And I Am Not Fine Last Night I Saw You Online
Your Screen Name Used To Be Mine Why Can We Just Pretend

And She Said Na Na Na Na Na

Obvious Lyrics - Blink 182

I saw you again
I think you used me again
Should we try this before
we give up and move on
And pretend to restore
what we have and hold on?

At times like these
It's Obvious

I saw you again
I know you fucked him again
Can you comfort yourself
with the sense of revenge?
Are you leaving me here
with the taste of the end?

It times like this
It's Obvious
At times like these
It's obvious

I saw you again and again and again
There's some room to move on to move on to move on
And I saw you again and again and again
How do we fix this if we never had vision? (2x)

(At time like this)
I saw you again and again and again
There's some room to move on to move on to move on
(IT´s obvious)
And I saw you again and again and again
How do we fix this if we never had vision? (2x)

I'm Lost Without You Lyrics - Blink 182

I swear that I can go on forever again
Please let me know that my one bad day will end
I will go down as your lover, your friend
Give me your lips and with one kiss we begin

Are you afraid of being alone
Cause I am, I'm lost without you
Are you afraid of leaving tonight
Cause I am, I'm lost without you

I'll leave my room open till sunrise for you
I'll keep my eyes patiently focused on you
Where are you now I can hear footsteps I'm dreaming
And if you will, keep me from waking to believe this

Are you afraid of being alone
Cause I am, I'm lost without you
Are you afraid of leaving tonight
Cause I am, I'm lost without you

Are you afraid of being alone
Cause I am, I'm lost without you
Are you afraid of leaving tonight
Cause I am, I'm lost without you
Are you afraid of being alone
Cause I am, I'm lost without you
Are you afraid of leaving tonight
Cause I am, I'm lost without you

I'm lost without you
I'm lost without you
I'm lost without you
I'm lost without you
I'm lost without you

I Miss You Lyrics - Blink 182

Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare,
the shadow in the background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim,
of darkness in the valley,
we can live like Jack and Sally if we want,
where you can always find me.
We'll have Halloween on Christmas.
And in the night we'll wish this never ends,
we'll wish this never ends...
(miss you miss you)
(miss you miss you)

Where are you,
and i'm so sorry,
I cannot sleep i cannot dream tonight!
I need somebody and always,
This sick strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting everytime.
And as i stared i counted, the webs from all the spiders, catching things and eating their in sides.
Like indecision to call you,
and hear your voice of treason,
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
Stop this pain tonight.

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

Dont waste your time on me you're already the voice in side my head!
(miss you miss you)

(miss you miss you)

(miss you miss you)

(miss you miss you)

(miss you miss you)

Here's Your Letter Lyrics - Blink 182

Cut the skin to the bone
Fall asleep all alone
Hear your voice in the dark
Lose myself in your eyes
Choke my voice Say goodnight
as the world falls apart
Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this

Here's a letter for you
But the words get confused
And the conversation dies
Apologize for the past
Talk some shit take it back
Are we cursed to this life

Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this

I'm talking to the ceiling
My life just lost all meaning
Do one thing for me tonight
I'm dying in this silence

The last star left in heaven
Is falling down to earth and
Do you still feel the same way
Do you still feel the same way

Fuck I can't let this kill me, let go
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this problem
I need some more time to fix this

Happy Holidays You Bastard Lyrics - Blink 182

It's Christmas Eve And I've Only Wrapped Two Fuckin' Presents
It`s Christmas Eve And I've Only Wrapped Two Fuckin' Presents
And I Hate Hate Hate Your Guts
I Hate Hate Hate Your Guts
And I'll Never Talk To You Again
Unless Your Dad Will Suck Me Off
I'll Never Talk To You Again
Unless Your Mom Will Touch My Cock
I'll Never Talk To You Again
Ejaculate Into A Sock
I'll Never Talk To You Again
I'll Never Talk To You Again

It's Labor Day And My Grandpa Just Ate Seven Fuckin' Hotdogs
It`s Labor Day And My Grandpa Just Ate Seven Fuckin' Hotdogs
And He Shit Shit Shits His Pants
He's Alway's Fuckin Shit His Pants
And I'll Never Talk To You Again
Unless Your Dad Will Suck Me Off
I'll Never Talk To You Again
Unless Your Mom Will Touch My Cock
I'll Never Talk To You Again
Ejaculate Into A Sock
I'll Never Talk To You Again
I'll Never Talk To You Again

Going Away To College Lyrics - Blink 182

Please take me by the hand
It's so cold out tonight
I'll put blankets on the bed
I won't turn out the light

Just don't forget to
Think about me
And I won't forget you
"I'll write you once a week", she said

Why does it feel the same
To fall in love or break it off
And if young love is just a game
Then I must have missed the kick off

Don't depend on me
To ever follow through on
Anything, but
I'd go through Hell for you and

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me

I'll think about the times
She kissed me after class and
She put up with my friends
I acted like an ass

I'd ditch my lecture
To watch the girls play soccer
Is my picture
Still hanging in her locker?

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful

Go Lyrics - Blink 182

Are we all victims of opportunity
Locked outside the door back in '83.
I heard the angry voice of the man
inside and saw the look of fear
in my mother's eyes.

I don't wanna know
I don't wanna know

Mom get in the car and let's
drive away she said "I'm
sorry Mark but there's
nowhere to stay", gave up
all her hope and went back inside
hid her broken heart and let
the engine die.

I don't wanna know
I don't wanna know

Why do evil man get away with
it? Can't you see that I'm in a
world of shit? Turn your back
on hope and go back inside,
stop my bleeding heart and
let the engine die.



Give Me One Good Reason Lyrics - Blink 182

Mom And Dad They Quite Don't Understand It
All The Kids They Laugh As If They Planned It
Why Do Girls Wanna Pierce Their Nose
And Walk Around In Torn Pantyhose Oh Yeah

I Like The What You Say They Listen To The Punk Rock
I Like The Kids Who Fight I Guess How They Were Brought Up
They Hate The Trends And Think It's Fucked To Care
It's Cool When This Piss People Off With What They Wear Oh Yeah
So Give Me One Good Reason
Why We Need To Be Like Them
Kids Will Have Fun And Often
They Don't Want To End Up There

Hate The Jocks And Preps The Hippie Fuckin' Scum Bags
Heavy Metalers With Their Awfull Pussy Hair Bands
Counting Seconds Until We Can Get Away
Ditching School Almost Every Single Day Oh Yeah

So Give Me One Good Reason
Why We Need To Be Like Them
Kids Will Have Fun And Often
They Don't Want To End Up There

So Give Me One Good Reason
Why We Need To Be Like Them
Kids Will Have Fun And Often
They Don't Want To End Up There

First Date Lyrics - Blink 182

In The Car I Just Can't Wait
To Pick You Up On Our Very First Date
Is It Cool If I Hold Your Hand
Is It Wrong If I Think It's Lame To Dance
Do You Like My Stupid Hair
Would You Guess That I Didn't Know What To Wear
I'm Too Scared Of What You Think
You Make Me Nervous So I Really Can't Eat

Let's Go Don't Wait This Night's Almost Over
Honest Let's Make This Night Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever

When You Smile I Melt Inside
I'm Not Worthy For A Minute Of Your Time
I Really Wish It Was Only Me And You
I'm Jealous Of Everybody In The Room
Please Don't Look At Me With Those Eyes
Please Don't Hint That You're Capable Of Lies
I Dread The Thought Of Our Very First Kiss
A Target That I'm Probably Gonna Miss

Let's Go Don't Wait This Night's Almost Over
Honest Let's Make This Night Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever

Let's Go Don't Wait This Night's Almost Over
Honest Let's Make This Night Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever
Forever And Ever Let's Make This Last Forever

Feeling This Lyrics - Blink 182

{Get ready for action!}
I got no regret right now (I’m feeling this)
The air is so cold and low (I’m feeling this)
Let me go in her room (I’m feeling this)
I love all the things you do (I’m feeling this) {I wanna take off her clothes (I’m feeling this)}
Show me the way to bed (I’m feeling this)
Show me the way you move (I’m feeling this)
Fuck it, it's such a blur (I’m feeling this)
I love all the things you do (I’m feeling this)

Fate fell short this time
Your smile fades in the summer
Place your hand in mine
I’ll leave when I wanna

Where do we go from here
Turn all the lights down now
Smiling from ear to ear (I’m feeling this)
Our breathing has got too loud (I’m feeling this)
Show me the bedroom floor (I’m feeling this)
Show me the bathroom mirror (I’m feeling this)
We’re taking this way too slow (I’m feeling this)
Take me away from here (I’m feeling this)

[Chorus x2]

This place was never the same again
After you came and went
How can you say you meant anything different
To anyone standing alone
On the street with a cigarette
On the first night we met

Look to the past
And remember her smile
And maybe tonight
I can breathe for awhile
I'm not in this scene
I think I'm fallin' asleep
But then all that it means is
I'll always be dreaming of you

[Chorus x5]
[During Last Choruses In The Background:]
(Are we alone, do you feel it?
So lost and disillusioned)

Family Reunion Lyrics - Blink 182

shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat
shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat
shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat
shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat
I fucked your mom
And i wanna suck my dad
And my momma too
Oh, is this thing on?

Everytime I Look For You Lyrics - Blink 182

Never Found Out Why You Left Him
But This Answer Begs A Question
Too Blind To See Tomorrow
Too Broke To Beg Or Borrow
Young And Stupid Left Wide Open
Hearts Are Wasted Lifes Are Broken

One More Point Of Contention
I Need Some Intervention
Approaching Failing Tensions
Betray My Short Attention Span
The Distance Bridge The Border
Beg Forgiveness Round The Corner

Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down
And I Stumble When This Whole Thing Runs Aground
I Left Another Message You Are Never Around
But Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down Once More
Your The Last One Out Please Shut The Door

More Time Apart Will Give You
A Few More Months To Argue
Is This To Much To Live Through
It Always Seems To Far To Drive
The Point Home Send More Letters
Pray Tomorrow Ends Up Better

Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down
And I Stumble When This Whole Thing Runs Aground
I Left Another Message You Are Never Around
But Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down Once More
Your The Last One Out Please Shut The Door

I Never Did Do Anything That She Asked
I Never Let What Happend Stay In The Past
I Never Did Quite Understand What She Meant
In Spite Of Everything In Spite Of Everything

Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down
And I Stumble When This Whole Thing Runs Aground
I Left Another Message You Are Never Around
But Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down
And I Stumble When This Whole Thing Runs Aground
I Left Another Message You Are Never Around
But Everytime I Look For You The Sun Goes Down

Easy Target Lyrics - Blink 182

All her signals are getting lost in the ether (That's what she wanted)
She's a landslide with a city beneath her (That's what she wanted)
So take a good look, so you'll never forget it (That's what she wanted)
Take a deep breath, I know I'm gonna regret it (That's what she wanted)

Holly's looking dry looking for an easy target
Let her slit my throat give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road lies, lies and hidden danger.
Southern California's breeding mommy's little monster.

She's got a mission, and I'm collateral damage. (That's what she wanted)
She's the flower that you place on my casket. (That's what she wanted)
Savor the moment cause the memory's fleeting.
Take a photograph, as the last train is leaving.

Holly's looking dry looking for an easy target
Let her slit my throat give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road lies, lies and hidden danger.
Southern California's breeding mommy's little monster.

Better run run run run run (Holly let me out)
Better run run run run run (Holly let me out)
Better run run run run run (Holly let me out)
Better run run run run run run run run (Holly let me out)

Dumpweed Lyrics - Blink 182

It's understood, I said it many ways
Too scared to run, I'm too scared to stay
I said I'd leave, I could never leave her
And if I did, you know I'd never cheat her

But this I ask, it's what I want to know
How would you feel, if I should choose to go
Another guy, you think it'd be unlikely
Another guy, you think he'd wanna fight me

She's a dove, she's a fucking nightmare
Unpredictable, it was my mistake to stay here
On the go, it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train

I heard it once, I'm sure I heard it twice
My dad used to give me all of his advice
He would say "you gotta turn your back and run now
Come on, son, you haven't got a chance now"
She's a dove, she's a fucking nightmare
Unpredictable, it was my mistake to stay here
On the go and it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train

She's a dove, she's a fucking nightmare
Unpredictable, it was my mistake to stay here
On the go and it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train

Need a girl that I can train
Need a girl that I can train
Turn your back and run now
You haven't got a chance now

Need a girl that I can train
Need a girl that I can train
Turn your back and run now
You haven't got a chance now

Down Lyrics - Blink 182

The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
(this can't be the end)

Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad

Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
It gets me so
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
It gets me so

Your vows of silence fall all over
The look in your eyes makes me crazy
I feel the darkness break upon her
I'll take you over if you let me
(You did this)

Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad.

Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
It gets me so
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
It gets me so

Don't Tell Me It's Over Lyrics - Blink 182

I hear the phone it rings so violently
Can't leave my room, can't breathe since she left me
I will admit i hate those things i said
Girls will always cry, guys will never admit they did

Hold on, hold on, hold on

Don't tell me it's over,
I'm not used to this temptation
And when you came running back,
There is no use for explanation
I think these things are too hopeful, even with my expert knowledge
Most girls most do mean trouble, because they are rarely honest

What's with the jokes, all the routines they play
Screw with my head, never cave til they get their way
Guys like to run, chicks like to yell you see
Guys hate to fight, girls think its therapy

Hold on, hold on, hold on

Don't tell me it's over,
I'm not used to this temptation
And when you came running back,
There is no use for explanation
I think these things are too hopeful, even with my expert knowledge
Most girls most do mean trouble, because they are rarely honest

Hold on, hold on, hold on

Don't tell me it's over,
I'm not used to this temptation
And when you came running back,
There is no use for explanation
I think these things are too hopeful, even with my expert knowledge
Most girls most do mean trouble, because they are rarely honest

Don't tell me it's over,
I'm not used to this temptation
And when you came running back,
There is no use for explanation
I think these things are too hopeful, even with my expert knowledge
Most girls most do mean trouble, because they are rarely honest
Don't tell me it's over, I'm not used to temptation

heres the other bonus track

Bonus Track 6 or "grandpa is an asshole" (on ce w/green label)

Unos, dos, tres, quatro...

When you fucked grandpa did he tell you that he loved you?
Did he hold you til the sun did rise,
And did he look into your eyes and ask you to fellate him?
And stick a finger or two in his ass?

He seems like a total asshole
Grandpa is a total fucking asshole
Who would ever want a dirty, greasy finger in his ass?
He rubs his dick in broken glass

When you fucked grandpa did he kiss you soft and tender?
Did he tie your hands behind your head, and was it on your mother's bed?
And this is fucking stupid man i can't believe you'd have sex with your own

I mean you guys are related
What's he gonna do take out his false teeth and just leave them on theside of
your bed?
Man, you like to fuck you in the butt and have everyone come in and watch and
masturbated and cum all over the place
This is stupid
I hate you all
I'm not even gonna have sex with my mom tonight man this is stupid
I hate you

Don't Leave Me Lyrics - Blink 182

Don't leave me all alone
Just drop me off at home
I'll be fine, it's not the first
Just like last time, but a little worse

And she said that I'm not the one that she thinks about and
She said it stopped being fun, I just bring her down
I said "don't let your future be destroyed by my past"
She said "don't let my door hit your ass"

One more chance, I'll try this time
I'll give you yours, I won't take mine
I'll listen up, pretend to care
Go on ahead, I'll meet you there

And she said that I'm not the one that she thinks about and
She said it stopped being fun, I just bring her down
I said "don't let your future be destroyed by my past"
She said "don't let my door hit your ass"

Let's try this one more time with feeling
One more time with feeling
One more time with feeling
One more time with feeling

She said that I'm not the one that she thinks about and
She said it stopped being fun, I just bring her down
I said "don't let your future be destroyed by my past"
She said "don't let my door hit your ass"

Don't leave me all alone
Just drop me off at home
And I'll be fine

Asthenia Lyrics - Blink 182

Last night it came as a picture
With a good reason, a warning sign
This place is void of all passion
If you can imagine it's easy if you try
Believe me I failed this effort
I wrote a reminder this wasn't a vision
This time where are you Houston
Is somebody out there will somebody listen

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you

My head is made up of memories
Most of them useless delusions
This room is bored of rehearsal
And sick of the boundaries
I miss you so much

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
This time I don't want to
Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you

Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
This time I don't want to
Should I go back should I go back should I
I feel alone and tired
Should I go back should I go back should I
I hope I won't forget you